Wednesday, January 21, 2009 blog's layout looks so messy! here i am in the office with no nani beside me or no nana in front of me...only aie across me, on my right side. she's busy typing so i'm guessing she's bz blogging..that's why i thought it was a great idea to impersonate what she's doing now.owh..the nefarious witch is approaching and is saying something in evil language to the 2 evil-wicked witches behind us..brrrr...chills running down my spine..takutnya..if only i have the power to zap wicked people around me...owh..santa just walked passed me and is joining the 3 witches..i pity santa..the other day some people were saying about getting something for him but nothing's been done so far...hmm...i'm always putting on my thinking cap...and my thoughts were always good deeds but why is it so difficult for me to put it into reality? when i sit to have quiet time with myself, the ideas flows like the river of life but..but..u see, this is so me. i always lost track of what i'd want to say or write. ignore me..i'm just spinning around,so get out of my way. i was late for work a few minutes due to the jam at the section 2 round about. my car was parked in the compound about 15 minutes to 9 but i dellie dallie n pretended to be busy "clearing" up stuff in my car as i wanted to avoid accidentaly bumping into certain people.

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