Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How many friends do you have? Did it ever cross your mind that they don’t regard you the way you regard them as your friends? I miss my friends…i need more...*KEDEBUK...*I fell and it hit me hard..i dont have many friends to brag about...


Hafez Zahruddin said...

I feel the same as well, but you know what, Cheyenne? Sometimes, you won't believe how many people around us really want to be our friend. I know its unbelievable. Well, you can always have lots of friends, but its hard to find best buddies.

Yaya said...

true..true..it's much easier to call a person as fren but it takes much more to consider by heart..esp when we are in trouble or sad or even when we just need 'fren' to rely on..

but ur my fren by heart =)

Cheyenne said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts Bluesinner and Yaya. When you feel so small and all dried up inside out, u just need some encouragement and maybe,something to laugh at..with them.i just miss laughing out loud with friends till it makes you roll hysterically on the floor..