Monday, October 19, 2009

Eternal cravings...

I crave for
fresh oven-baked
brownies with
vanilla ice cream
on top...

"pelik, tp benar.... "Prof Madya" sedang menyiapkan PhD dengan seorang Dr, yg tak ada "Prof Madya"... Bangang kan?"

To comment on that, this is a VERY TYPICAL senario nowadays..especially at the university i'm in. Little does this person know that the PM who is busy doing their PHD with the PHD holder who isn't a PM DR. yet could have been lucky to be given the PM ship due to some politcal business matter..take for many in Uitm were given PM ship at one time, just to fulfill the requirement for the institute's status to be changed to 'University''s wrong with the PM doing their PHD with the DR? I dont see anything bangang with that...*sigh*...empty cans make the most noise anyway...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Is there anything wrong with the following?

“Why is students can't hand in their work on time? Not to mention hand in quality work”.

p/s: I'm bored...I can't proceed with my work...